Sounded like he had an adventure but I don’t like the dishing on family. Everyone has rough times in their family but we don’t sell it to the world. If I remember, Meghan’s father was fussed at for “potentially “ talking with a magazine/paper for just a little money and so he didn’t? Now H and M are telling all for same money? Do as I say, but don’t do as I do? What I’ve read is about H not really happy with his birth placement from God. If he had been born 1st, we all know this book and interviews wouldn’t have happened. He’s not happy and he needs to take it up with God to get happy. The more you read, the more jealousy, the more strife… it’s lack of accepting your place. Maybe God has other plans for you Harry, but you’re so busy complaining about everything you couldn’t even know what those plans are. The 2nd things from the book, is you as the reader know now to never have a conversation with them because it might end up in a book. Mainly, it’s a lot of complaining, a kid missing him mom, and adult with kids. You know, normal life stuff that no one should be dishing and selling out their family for.