This is a niche game. You will probably hate it.
If you love souls-like games. you will only like a few aspects of this game. It is not a true souls like even though it does have some pretty tough bosses.
If you love open world games, you will hate this one. It's pretty empty, lots of open fields without much going on. when you do find a secret theres a 50% chance that it is nearly identical to something you've already found. If your experience with open world is Ubisoft, than this is right up your alley. but the souls-like elements really take away from the open world exploration aspect. you can explore but you'll have to sneak because have the bad guys can one shot you. It's better to wait until the game tells you to go somewhere before you start exploring it.
If you like RPGs, the level up system is lackluster and boring and the story is obscure. You'll need to study the lore to find any story at all.
There is a group of gamers that thrives as these 3 elements combine, but they are rare. I think most people who 'love' the game are actually hiding the fact that they hate it. they beat it, they walked the gauntlet and survived and now they are oblidged to tell everyone to try it so the world can acknowledge their acheivement.