First They Killed My Father, directed by Angelina Jolie, chronicles the narrative of Loung Ung, a 5-year-old child, during the 1975 Khmer Rouge takeover of Cambodia. They quickly start a four-year reign of terror and genocide that results in the deaths of over 2 million Cambodians.
This Netflix film features stunning photography, and amazing acting from every performer, and it deals with a subject that few Americans are aware with. Despite not being familiar with this historical incident, this experience was truly eye-opening. However, the lack of horrifying imagery prevented the scenario from being completely described.
The location and camera work do a good job of giving the audience the impression that they are in Cambodia in the 1970s. The acting is quite convincing. Paying close attention will cause you to lose track of time. You'll have the impression that you're inside the kid's head.
When I go back to the scene where the brave little girl, who had lost her entire family to a cruel, murderous, and destructive political regime, stared into the eyes of the captive Khmer Rouge soldier who had earlier killed her father, my heart started to ache excruciatingly.
The tale itself, which was based on a true story, was tragic and heartbreaking. The plot twists and turns, but the pleasant and tearful finale makes one feel satisfied.