"The Fall Guy" is a cinematic disaster a misfire that somehow manages to squander a promising concept with sheer ineptitude. Directed by David Leitch, the film is a tepid, lifeless action-comedy that fails to deliver on both fronts. Ryan Gosling’s usually magnetic presence is utterly wasted in a role that requires him to oscillate between dull and unconvincing, while Emily Blunt is given little more than a cardboard cutout of a character to work with. Yes even woman can direct movies.
The plot, if it can be called that, is a meandering mess that relies on tired clichés and half-hearted action sequences. The script is riddled with painfully unfunny jokes and dialogue that sounds like it was written by a committee of out-of-touch executives. Any attempt at emotional depth is undercut by the film's lack of genuine stakes or coherent storytelling.
Even the action scenes, supposedly Leitch’s forte, are pedestrian at best. The choreography is uninspired, the special effects are subpar, and the overall pacing is a slog. "The Fall Guy" feels more like a cynical cash grab than a heartfelt homage to the original series. Save your time and money this film is was god awful.