I believe the main character (if he even is the main character) is drawn into the drama because, after finding a drug deal gone wrong, he takes the money but then half a day later, returns to the scene with a bottle of water, and for what I can only guess, to give to a dying man in a pick-up who asked him for water earlier in the day, and of course some other bad guys just happen to be there at that exact time. Seriously? What idiot would go back to where you just stole $2 million to give a criminal a drink who's most likely dead by now? Bad writing. Surely there was a better way to cause the chase than this. And then the guy is killed and we have no idea how, or for 5 minutes if it's him who's actually dead. And then the killer gets away. And by the title I presume it's all to say the country has changed so badly that the older folk just can't handle it.