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Excellent show! Not low budget…first class casting , writing , acting ……storylines are solid …great show
Warrior (2019)
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So far the a weak season , storyline is weak , cast is weak…maybe it will improve. Reacher character is too robotic , over the top. Really enjoyed the first two seasons ……this one is a thumbs down 👎🏽 at this point.
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Really well done show, great casting, Great acting and well a good story. No FAMILY is perfect.
The Perfect Couple
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Great show, would be even better if it was a but more edgy…more graphic, action ,
The Lincoln Lawyer
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My 12 year old could have made a better movie! I paid $20 in my hotel room thinking it would be a good movie , after I tried to tell the front desk I hit a button by accident …they should have paid me to watch this garbage. Horrible acting, childish screenplay …concept and reality sometimes don’t work …the concept of this movie was interesting the reality of the product was an absolute failure. Who green lights these poorly done films or is it friends doing friends a favor…..the one star I gave was only to write this review ….
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Great action thriller…super well done. I enjoy this type of movie and their are more stinkers than good. Actors were very good , actuon was fantastic.