Even though there are some good things about this game, its not enough to get anything other than 1 star. Over all it’s a terrible game.
Audio is horrendous. I didn’t think it could have gotten worse but it did, by a lot. If people are having to spend money on top of the line headsets and third party audio apps like Dolby access or spending more than 5 minutes in their audio settings looking for some miracle fix. Then simply put the audio is just BAD! In a game that sound plays a pivotal role, you think you’d have good audio.
Laggy as all get out. I don’t have the best internet as is but this is unplayable most of the time. Even though I can switch to apex and not have half the issues. I run 80-100 ping which is boarder line useless for game playing but I managed to keep a 1.5 kd and drop several 20 kill games and had plenty of wins in WZ1. So at least it was playable and I could still enjoy it. With WZ2 I have bad lag spikes every 30 or so seconds and then every round multiple times in the match it’ll shoot up to 999 for a few minutes at a time. Mainly when I get close to other players I notice my ping rising. Rather this game just cheats and manipulates ping or maybe its just a magical coincidence. Regardless it’s annoying. Maybe if it gave players extra XP or glitched the money every time you lagged they’d have fixed it by now. Considering they only hurry to fix the things that benefit players.
I could probably write a book about all the things that makes this game trash. Bugs, movement, building designs, the atrocious looting system, buy stations, load outs, the gulag, ect.
Warzone 1 had its issues but it was still the best battle royal in my opinion. If they could have done more to get hackers out of the game and brought back verdansk, I think it would have been damn near close to perfect. They really just dropped the ball with this one. I’ll give season 2 a chance but if nothing gets fixed, I’ll just find something else.
Hopefully they continue to lose their player base and they bring everything good back to Warzone 1.