This is a movie that slanders the true message of God. It is a movie that has been created as simply another wicked seed coming to us in a false shell of goodness by the imposter in order to fool all of God's people. I love the actors and wish blessings of love and peace onto all those involved with the movie. But with that said, it is not the movie I would have made. I don't believe God would have made it either. This is why we have a Bible. So God can keep people on track even when it appears that Hollywood or any of the rest of God's creation has gone astray. Casting their own aspersions on the word of God in combination with all of the other sources that are used to try to manipulate God's true words into words that better fit how you feel the world is. To be on the safe side, It is likely in their own best interest that they adhere as closely as possible to God's message, otherwise it's outright blasphemy. I would not burn them at the stake. I would simply offer my opinion and say, God bless you.