This game is beautiful, truely a masterpiece! Please be cautious, what I am going to say next may be spoilers.
When I started to play as Abby I was hesitant to continue the game as I didn’t feel emotionally invested into her character, and hated her as this is what we are lead to feel towards her due to earlier events within the game. After a couple of days of not playing the game, I thought I need to finish it regardless. So I continued playing as Abby. My whole opinion changed when Abby meets 2 others characters, as she shows her compassion and vulnerability. I started to become very emotionally invested in Abby and these two characters, and her story as I played on. Many other events happen throughout the story and you return to play as Ellie, happy and living out her life as imagined. Through (in my opinion) irrational decisions, she finds herself out to get Abby once again. This adventure leads to the final chapters of the game, and ends in a unforgettable way. In my opinion, I actually prefer Abby’s character over Ellie’s, and I thought I’d never say that.
I hope for a part 3, and for both characters to overcome their differences and fight together, more emotional, heartfelt scenes and less irrational decision making from Ellie.