I am currently reading this book and it's simple yet so heartwarming. It's narrated in a very straightforward crisp way, straight out of author's heart yet the stories are so captivating. The stories are so raw and also depicts author's soulful journey of how he started to travel, the lessons he learnt by travelling and eventually how he falls in love with travelling. The first day I started reading the book, I didn't even realize I was reading it through 4 am in the morning smiling throughout. I am just few chapters down and enjoying the journey one day at time as if I am on my own trip with the writer.
The book keeps you engrossed with the characters narrated and the people writer met on his journey of travel. It's about the people that surprise you with their kindness, of the bonds that are created out of nowhere and of how there is so much goodness out there in world if you just let yourself be open for all of it. This book will feel like a hug to your anxious soul with all the negativity that has surrounded world in between this pandemic. And it will leave a constant smile to your travel craving soul transporting you on an adventure with the writer to beautiful places. What a beautiful travel journey you have had Neeraj & what a lovely book you have written :)
Do read this book. It will make you feel so many emotions through people, it will take you through a journey of experiences and adventures and it will transport you to different places across the world leaving you smiling with every chapter!