The Obi Wan and Darth Vader characters are different from what I know and remember them to be and in a bad way. Obi Wan is portrayed as a weak, confused and frightened old man and Vader as completely sadistic. A cold blooded murderer. I get the dark side and yes it is evil, but snapping a child’s neck using the force? Really? Not sure I like this whole story line of Obi Wan and Vader dueling it out between Ep3 and Ep4 either. Kinda diminishes the original magic of their epic duel on the Death Star and seems a bit non canonical. Make no mistake, the main character in the film is Reva. While I love new characters that support the historical story, this rogue inquisitor is not why I wanted to watch this series. Interesting character and I love the inquisitor characters, but seems that this is the series main focus and it is really her story with Obi Wan’s story underpinning it. Ewan’s acting is brilliant though and the different planet scenery is great. Not super excited about finishing the series now that I have watched some of it. It’s ok but nowhere close to the caliber of other series which is a bit disappointing because it’s Obi Wan!