A quick review.
If you enjoyed American McGee's Alice, Psychonauts, or any Tim Burton film, this is going to hit all the right notes.
The good:
-The story feels like what you'd expect from a Burton movie.
-The board game maps are an absolute blast. Your dice roll effects where the board game piece moves while you're also actively engaged in combat. The spaces determine what kind of effect will happen. This can range from birds carrying bombs you can shoot down on enemies, putting up walls to protect you, and spawning weapons you can fire to damage bosses.
-Combat, while unpredictable, really shines when you find a deck you like.
-The characters are all quite memorable, even the side ones.
-Rewards you for exploring every nook and cranny.
-Rewards experimentation through it's deck building.
The bad:
-Can be a bit glitchy, not in any game breaking manner. Textures not loading in properly(rare), Seeing your character appear in cutscenes(in the floor during a scene she's not in), etc. Nothing too bad, so I didn't take it away from the score.
-Story can be a bit unmemorable at parts. when it hits, it hits well, but occasionally it falls flat (looking at you end of Threedom).
-Combat can sometimes seem a bit imbalanced(enemies that won't stop quick moving so you can get crystals). This is more frustrating because you don't know they're coming and have to adapt immediately. Can be a bit of a pain point due to the deck.
-Dicey can sometimes glitch out mid fight and wont go where you need him to. You can tap triangle(PS4) to teleport him to you. So negligible.
It's a solid little game with a beautiful world that I absolutely want to see more of. I really hope this gets a sequel.