I noticed they got lazy with the endings after Man of Medan.
Man of Medan endings:
E1: Everyone survives and escapes on the Duke of Milan
E2: Successfully call for help, distributor cap is lost, everyone survives, help arrives only to eliminate the survivors.
E3: Successfully call for help, distributor cap is lost, only one meber of the group survived, the sole survivor is driven insane by the gas attacks anyone on site.
E4: Failed to call for help, distributor cap is lost, only one member of the group survived, the sole survivor is driven insane by the gas eventually succumbs to the gas.
E5: Connor or Alex successfully escaped the Duke of Milan and returns with help, Everyone survives.
E6: Failed to call for help, distributor cap is lost, no one survives, Connor or Alex successfully escaped the Duke of Milan and returns with help only to be attacked by Danny or Olson.
E7: Successfully call in help, no one survives, help arrives only to be attacked by Danny or Olson.
E8: Julia didn't decompress, failed to call for help, the distributor cap is lost, no one expect Julia survives, Julia succumbs to the bends.
Little Hope endings:
E1: Be nice to Vince, everyone survives, Anthony forgives himself.
E2: Be rude to Vince, everyone survives, Anthony gets arrested.
E3: Be nice to Vince, everyone dies, Anthony takes his own life.
House of Ashes ending: (the ending is the same no matter what)
E1: Everyone survives, secret government agents question the survivors.
E2: No one survives, secret government agents talk about the info they gathered.
Devil in me ending: (the ending is the same no mater what)
E1: Everyone survives, the masked stranger survives and continues luring in victims.
E2: no one survives, the masked stranger survives and continues luring in victims.
The past several game have not giving me high hopes for Directive 8020.