This movie has poor user reviews because the military industrial complex does not want truths revealed about its abject evil being perpetrated around the globe. It is a harrowing story of the psychological damage caused by the perpetrators of the horrific torture program the U.S. military and its privately contracted and psychopathic mercenaries working in concert with our intelligence agencies orchestrated at Abu Ghraib. The gut wrenching irony is that, as we all know deep down, 9/11 was an inside job commited to usher in the current era of endless war and extra-judicial murder while being completely unaccountable to the American people, and the captives at Abu Ghraib had nothing to tell but were knowingly tortured anyway as a show of force and to instill fear in the global community - the definition of terrorism. This movie tells a truth, which is very important because without the truth we cannot unite to effect change and bring those responsible to account.