Worst movie I've ever sat through to the end (our three teenage+ aged kids all walked out at different intervals...they didn't have the endurance).
The screen writing was what killed this movie! Not to mention the makeup, all the disjointed logic thrown in with every attempted plot twist, the cringe-worthy sappy Hallmark movie "moments"...it was bad. This movie got more and more terrible as the plot progressed. The only thing going for it is that Wonder Woman was pretty. That's it.
This is my first online movie review, and the only reason I'm posting it is because I just wasted 2.5 hours, what's five more minutes?
Not to spoil anything, but if one of the attempted messages was #GirlPower means you don't have to use masculine brute force and violence to save the world and be the ultimate superhero, because the power of your words and love itself can fix anything....Fail.
Some of the most accurate reviews I've read so far:
I renounce my wish to watch a second Wonder Woman movie.
This movie epitomizes 2020 perfectly.
A fighter jet plane to Egypt?
....there's a whole lot more, but I don't want to waste any more time on this movie than I already have. I'll end my night wondering how the heck this movie even made it to HBOPlus.