Starting this I already know I want to write a Professor Jones size review… but I will refrain so the indies of the world can still get a quick read in. Look I’ve been in love with the movies since I first watched one at the age of 8 in 2001. They’ve been a cult classic from as long as I can remember. This show is not only a a perfect addition to the series, but it’s a masterpiece in its own right. All the ages of Indiana play it amazingly, especially the youngest! The actor who plays Indies father does an amazing nod to Sean Connery and each episode being as long as they are gives plenty of time to take in the story and the sights but with enough time to wrap things up and prepare for whatever adventure comes next. It’s a refreshing watch of something I never knew came out, but I’m clued to my tv every night as I deep dive into the adventures of Young Indiana Jones!