This was the biggest insult to the viewer I've ever seen. When you engage in a show, or a movie, you are giving over your time to the director and the cast and crew with the assumption they will take you on an adventure, and there will be a payoff at the end, for the time you've invested into their project...akin to taking a hike with a go on this journey, this trek...across harsh lands...through swamps...over mountains, and across a big reveal at the end....perhaps its the amazing view from the top of the mountain, or the breathtaking experience of the beautiful rain forest....but there is SOME payoff at the end...some trade-off for your time and effort...The Curse is this 10 hour journey...this trek into the the end....the Sherpa poops in his own hand....slaps you in the face with it....and screams "....I BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!!!...." and then he runs off into the distance...cackling maniacally. No great view, no wonderful life experience....just stinky, disgusting poo, across your face, as your "thank you for giving us 10 hours of your life". Just don't do it. You will never, -ever- get those 10 hours back. WORST TV EVER.