Honestly, the acting and script is so bland and generic. I feel like any person with a High School level writing skill could have written this. The “informative” talk on how they describe things kinda reminds me of the shows who write about something that is so clearly fake and just down right nonsense but slap in a whole bunch big “smart” words to make it sound like they know what they are talking about. From the very get go the script was bad. The guy starring at the screen of his gf then talking to his commander, it just really sounded like one of those basic cringe hallmark movies that my Christian English teacher used to watch in class. And do not get me started on the animation and transition, it was horrible, they could have definitely did a better transition for the first experimental person turning into a zombie and for the girl killing a zombie with a spiked aluminum bat. Although I will say the Video quality is good. But I feel that the audio could have suited the show a lot better.