NO SPOILERS Just finished it and i am incredibly dissappointed. The story line is weak and is no compairson to the first one.
Ok so they set the bar high with the first one but i was hoping after all these years they could try match it but it doesnt even come close.
The positives are the graphics are brilliant the game play is still good, without spoiling the game the structure/ structure of the story works but thats where it ends.
Its a weak story line and you can see the desperation of the producers wanting you to get on board with certain characters and draw away from others but it just doesnt work. There are far too many cut scenes and the game is dragged out. Towards the end it felt i was soildering on hours of pointless gameplay and it wasnt worth it. Its 2020 so i understand the diverse characters but despite this never had the same connection as LOU1.
Trying to do a spoilerless review is hard because there are so many things i could mention that just doesnt make sense or work regarding the 'groups'. There are a lot of pointless characters without any depth background.
Naughtydog i will always be grateful of LOU1 but i WILL NEVER forgive you for this.