I came to the show (Washington Week) hoping for a balanced, unbiased and rationale discussion of the news. What I found was the typical one sided Liberal machine at work. Listen, Pres. Trump is not perfect but neither was Pres. Obama or any of the Democrats for that matter. But you insist on pushing the one sided, biased view of the left and never put a spotlight on their failings and hypocritical actions. No if even mentioned it is with a very small brush and then say qualifying statements to mitigate the minuscule misstep. Go ahead and keep it up because that is exactly what got Pres. Trump elected to begin with (I'm sure you'll try to push the Russian hoax theory but only liberals believe it). I will no longer support or watch PBS for their shortsightedness and not having a balanced view of the news. Have all your liberal comrades support you and be aware that you are alienating more than half of the country with this non-sense.