I don't usually leave reviews but this show was so bad there was no ways I wasn't going to. The plot is so poorly done with gaps in between and initially I thought the purpose was for us to fill them in and get a shocking plot twist at the end.
At no point is it really explained what the outbreak is or where it came from. The zombies don't act zombie like, some barely run, they seem to have great motor skills also and congisant of their surrounding which I thought zombies couldn't do.
There are aspects of the storyline that aren't linked together properly (perhaps I missed somethings as I did dose off at some point) but why was the stadium empty ? No emergency tents ? Absolutely no people or even a sign of life. Was this not meant to be the evac point? Also the number of zombies there - you would swear that the military would do more to secure the area.
Anna being at the stadium which is empty mind you makes absolutely zero sense considering how early she was evacuated. Are they saying she just chilled in zombie land waiting for her mother?
I carried on watching after season 1 hoping season 2 would offer a little more difference and an new interesting dynamic but no it doesn't, it is really just a repetition of season just in a new setting.
This is absolute hogwash - don't waste your time watching it. As someone who has watched many great Korean shows which are centred around zombies and outbreaks , I was definitely extremely disappointed