Amazon knows what they were doing would create controversy and they chose the low road. I don’t watch cartoons, it’s not my thing; this is a review of Amazon’s blatant disregard of decency in the name of good business. Hollywood understands that in today’s society, CONTROVERSY is a low cost form of marketing, it brings in all kinds of different eyeballs which is great for ad-campaigns and pushing a product. They could’ve, easily, created an all-new female villain with new abilities but no matter how successful the character, it wouldn’t have the same impact with marketing as a gender-swap in the name of “inclusion and diversity”.
Make no mistake, this, along with other companies, like Disney, have no respect for anything but their shareholders and quarterly profits. Amazon is the best at this tactic bc as an avid online Amazon shopper, it’s not so easy to cancel my subscription in disapproval of their entertainment marketing methods.