I grew up watching the Karate Kid. It has and always will be the staple of my childhood. In this regards I may be biased when it comes to the Karate Kid.
But because of my love for Karate Kid and like with anyone else who is a fan of a movie no one wants to see it butchered. There’s this general consensus that remakes/reboots aren’t as good as the original. Generally, it holds true.
So therefore, initially I was hesitant in watching Cobra Kai. I just didn’t want to see my childhood film ruined. But then I started hearing good reviews and so I subscribed to YouTube Red and watched the first episode.
Before you know it I binged watched both seasons in less than 2 days. It misses the Miyagi touch, however still captures the spirit of Karate Kid. I can honestly say it exceeded my expectations as I went in with a low bar.
If you are a fan of the Karate Kid and yet haven’t watched this. I highly recommend watching it. Netflix now owns Cobra Kai and both seasons are available to stream on Netflix.
“wax on, wax off.” - Miyagi