Too much to say, really. Just gobsmacked. Really disappointing.
This movie is about Neo coming to terms with what he has already experienced in the franchise.
He's back in the Matrix, has created a video game called "The Matrix" and is a celebrity/well known game developer inside... yep, the Matrix.
He doesn't know he is in the Matrix but suffers from "psychotic breaks" where he feels he is reliving moments of his past.
Some new red pillers find him within the simulation and figure a way to pull him out.
Fast forward a bit, and we learn that a group of Machines or "Sentients" rebelled after Neo's sacrifice in the last Matrix movie and have joined up with the humans to create a city for both Machines and Humans, where they may live in harmony together.
Neo is pulled out by a rebel Sentient/Machine, who is on the Humans' side, helping the red pillers mentioned above.
He is taken to the red pillers ship and flown through the Machine City to reach the Machine/Human city.
Considering that the whole "Machine Rebellion" thing is by far the most intriguing aspect of the entire movie, it's definitely leaves you with a kick in the balls feeling, since this part of the plot is not expanded upon whatsoever.
You're given a few second glimpse into the Machine vs Machine war and that's it.
There is a LOT, and I mean a LOT of unnecessary exposition in this film.
After the scene mentioned above, the movie really begins to derail.
I have to confess, I completely lost track of what was going on after that.
Things begin to rapidly pick up pace, but in a really bad way, due to the ridiculous amount of dialogue explaining things that would have been much better to simply show on screen rather than tell.
Hell, a movie solely focused on the Machine vs Machine war with Neo somehow intertwined would have been just fine, but it feels like the writers were on steroids and had a lot of yes men around them.
I don't think they really knew when to hit the "stop" button in terms of taking creative liberties with the plot.
It feels extremely convuluted and quite messy to follow.
I doubt anybody who has not seen a Matrix movie before would know what on Earth is happening at any point during the movie, which is a BAD sign!
All in all, a massive disappointment.
At least the Unreal Engine tech demo was good... I guess?
1/10 from me.