If there's one Malayalam movie you must make time for this year, 'Kannur Squad' undoubtedly takes the top spot on that list. It's an enriching cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impression, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all film enthusiasts.
This year, 'Kannur Squad' stands out as the finest Malayalam cinematic gem I've had the privilege to witness, and Mammootty's portrayal of George is a testament to his unwavering sincerity as an actor. While it's true that a talent of Mammootty's caliber could tackle such roles effortlessly, it's the subtleties that truly astound. His performance in this movie is nothing short of brilliance, and he's not alone in this feat.
The entire cast, under the skillful direction of Roby Varghese Raj, elevates 'Kannur Squad' to a cinematic masterpiece. The technical finesse and the director's vision deserve immense praise. The cinematography captures the essence of plot with breathtaking precision, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the narrative. The storytelling, guided by a keen directorial eye, navigates the complexities of the plot with exceptional clarity.
In 'Kannur Squad,' Mammootty and the entire ensemble cast not only deliver remarkable performances but also seamlessly blend into the larger canvas painted by the film's technicalities and direction. It's a harmonious fusion of talent, vision, and craft that demands your attention and admiration.
PS: Crime investigation thriller, and hence veiwer discretion recommended.