This review is actually a 4.6 stars but I couldn't select that. I will put this simply and easy to understand.
Main character: 9.7/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Flow: 9.9/10
Quality of writing: 9.8/10
Magic system: 9/10
Length: 9.5/10
World building: 9.2/10
Intelligence: 8.5/10
Very well written, the world is like a tantalizing nut waiting to be cracked. If Rothfuss can live up to the hype with his future novels it will be phenomenal. But it is a hell of a lot to live up to. Hints at a lot, rarely reveals completely if much at all. Plus, he uses a narrative tool of skipping some of what would normally be considered exciting parts. Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea.
Romance: 5/10
Action: 8/10
Drama: 9.5/10
Comedy: 8/10
Mystery: 9.8/10
It is more about relationships, stories and songs than a magic wielding badass taking on hordes of enemies.
The most important part the differs Name of the wind from other fantasy novels/series is that the book is dripping with character. Whilst mostly linear, it did not feel like a series of events seperatly told. Length was good, should've been longer though for his style of writing.
Negatives are underdeveloped side characters, certain aspects that drag unnecessarily. The romance department whilst intriguing and mysterious at first outstayed it welcome without a drastic shift. People's reaction to music is a little bit overdramatic. Can simultaneously be a Mary sue whilst naively falling for obvious traps.