Beautifully animated, but poorly edited. New characters were poorly introduced, and it wasn't made clear who they were. Simea and Moana are a 3 year old and 19 year old younger and older sister. They do scream Little Sis and Big Sis at the intro, but you cannot make out what they were saying. I had to look this up AFTER the movie because it was so unclear. I thought they were mother and daughter until the very end when Maui clearly speaks the word sister. Moana acts more like the child's mother than the actual mother does! I suspected the character was originally meant to be the daughter, and maybe they changed it at the last minute during production. And who was the other female character who was friends with Moana?! It was easy to figure out the villain, but even the female villain ends up giving helpful advice. And the coconut bad guys ended up being good too. The story telling just seemed disjointed. If an adult could not figure it out, it must had been extremely difficult for kids. I saw people walking out with their kids and not returning. The first film was great, but this one seemed like they were just making up the story as they went along. Beautiful visuals, but I was surprised how poorly it was put together, especially since it was apparently directed by a story board artist. What a disappointing sequel. With all the meetings it takes to make an animated film, why wasn't it cleaned up better than this?! It isn't a horrible film, but fans deserved better. Songs were OK, but they were extremely movie specific making them poor songs independent from the movie.