First review of a movie or series I have ever posted but felt it necessary. You will read some art major film critic say it’s “un original “ or played out but any intelligent person knows every story has already been written or told already it’s about the emotion the story makes you feel watching it and how believable it is. This is the first action film in a long time that brought tears to my eyes and had me yelling at the TV ! It’s a revenge story but so full of truths of coverups and leaders in government taking advantage of our troops and labeling anyone who tries to share evidence of it as crazy or having them “kill themselves “ in a world of Epstein story’s and recent public documents released on CIA projects like MKUltra watching this movie to me felt like a documentary that someone felt was so important to share they acted like it was fiction. My father told stories like this in the 90’s but he was labeled as a bipolar schizophrenic Vietnam vet so no one believed him and he would get locked up in the VA for talking about things like it then when you see public documents declassified and story’s like this that are “fiction” I guess it feels a little rewarding to know after all this time those story’s were true. At the same time it’s really sad to know that these stories can be true and humans can be so evil. It’s a great ride and has several incredible twist. It’s not a happy ending feel good story bits it’s a great ride and will leave you being grateful for your life and family afterwards