Your latest show was so ridiculous. You spent your whole monologue insulting Donald Trump and his supporters(almost half the voters in the country) and then talked with your "guest" about uniting the country never mentioning the negative impact of news media stations and shows like yours which mock Republicans and only report events that Democrats want to own. Tragic events of the day, such as chaos in Afghanistan or the hapless management of 11,000 immigrants living in filth at the border, don't exist . You focused on a supposed rally in Washington with a projected 700 people who do have the right to protest,. I could only listen to your show for maybe 15 minutes and won't be turning it on again for a long time. After a long hiatus, I DVRed last week's show and was impressed enough to recommend it for its relatively balanced and intelligent monologue and guests. But you are as preposterous as ever. Talk about Donald Trump! I also hate your laugh track of sycophants--it also is idiotic and annoying, but it seems they are the only audience you are told to get.