Scooby-Dooby Don't
Finally a show for people who hate Scooby-Doo! Made by people who hate Scooby-doo and hate their audience! "Bad" isn't a good enough word.
Full disclosure I'm gonna keep hate-watching it. It's a mesmerizing train crash of poor choices that were seemly made to upset as many people as they possibly could. They're implying that these characters are going to grow into the mystery-solving gang we all know and love. I frankly don't see it.
Velma is a traumatized, violent, mean-spirited, self insert character. Sure she's finally an LGBTQ character here, but she's painfully unlikable, it's actually a plot point. Nearly all of the cast hates her too.
Daphnie's character is so weird I didn't even realize who she was until another character said her name. Though it could have something to do with her being nude in her introduction (Hey aren't these kids supposed to be kids. That's messed up.) If this were a slasher she would be one of the first to die. She's the unlikable white girl and also a high school drug lord?
Next, we have Fred. Fred is a weak-willed, spoiled, "late bloomer" and former child model. You've seen this before. He's a spoiled entitled rich kid.
Shaggy. The show refuses to call him Shaggy and instead uses his actual name, Norville. Up until this point, I thought Velma was the most annoying character. Then Norville pulled up and Jar-Jar-ed all over the scene. He's a bizarre annoying neurotic character that explains his dated jokes as he's saying them. He's a snack vlogger too. He's got a not-so-secret crush on Velma who treats him like a punchline for it.
Scooby: N/A
I haven't touched on the race-swap aspect of the show because I can actually see this working in the hands of a stronger writer.
The show as is feels like it's got a chip on its shoulder, that's dripping in spite.
Will hate-watch again.
God awful.