No offence Ambelin Kwaymullina. But have you ever picked a hangnail on the side of your thumb and pulled all your skin off until you could see your interior organs. Well that's how I felt while reading this goofy ahhh uncle productions book. I didn't understand ANY OF IT AND I DROPPED THE BOOK ON MY FACE SO MANY TIMES. And I think within the time I was reading it I passed away 27 times. This book was as irritating as dunking your socks and sandwich into a bathtub and eating your sandwich while putting your socks on, then putting you foot into a shoe full of 32.94 sharp rocks in them. I think the amount of times I broke the sound barrier from screaming in my house irritated people within the vicinity of 3.4762739e+14 square miles of land mass and everyone else in the world had suffered from severe radiation poisoning. For future reference, do not read this book and go back to your dark room to play Fortnite for the next few days.
Sorry once again Ambelin Kwaymullina for the inconvenience and I wish better luck for your next book.
Would you like 2 cd's?
Cd's nuts!!!!!!
Thanks :)