So this is the kind of book that gives you goosebumps but in a good way. I have so many things I want to say as I was reading the book but one of them shallowly feels happy for being able to be lived and got the chance to read this book.
When I was a child my dad & grandfather were rich businessmen and barely finished middle school so they did not care about reading books. So neither did I. and one time my best friend in elementary school was reading a book so I asked her why are you reading a book? It is useless and you can make money without reading too many of it. Then she gave me an answer that I still remember today: she told me she felt good every time she learned a little bit more about the truth of this world through a book.
And this book, The Order of Time, is exactly one of these kinds of books that can actually help you to see the truth of this world a little bit clearer than before. absolutely amazing!