Retirement is not the end of the road, but rather the beginning of a new open highway.”
The author has explained this really well in just two short words that Retirement is “ uncharted waters”. I completely agree with him. I watched my father retire a few years back, and while he did have a fair amount of savings, I was not sure what he would do with all this time on his hands. But he seemed more carefree and spontaneous than ever before. He is doing well in politics and travels a lot, and has done his first solo trip. He seems to be enjoying it a lot, but I fear what he will do when he won’t be able to travel. I bought this book so he can start planning for that day now.
This book gives me hope that he will enjoy all of his retirement days. It’s a workbook in which you can plan your retirement with time tested strategies by the author. My favorite part is “managing your fears” as it just hit home for me.