Forza 7. The game is full of toxic players that are out to ruin everyone's experience. I just played for 3 hours today. 4 hours yesterday. 3 hours earlier today... and couldn't finish one race. Couldn't get players kicked, couldn't get players reported and see results.
There are times where accidental contact is what it is. However, when race after race players are deliberately chasing others down just to ruin their experience and the game does zero about it... Well, the game becomes trash just like the players that play and ruin so many others experience. All the good players say is get better, lol. You're right there with them in the toxic category with that attitude.
If it weren't for that...the game could be great. Time and time again. New online session after session...same results. Poor management of the online.
Just shows the lack of proper etiquette, sportsmanship, and intelligence so many gamers have out there.