This is a well made, suspenseful film with great cinematography and acting. My issue however is with the critics and the reviews touting the most disgusting end scene ever committed to film. After reading some of the headlines on Rotten Tomatoes and being overly curious, I rented the film and gave it a go. YES, the ending is disgusting and made me feel sick and forced me to legally ingest an edible, but to be honest, I started feeling sick during the lead up to the scene. The anticipation of what could POSSIBLY be so disgusting made me disgusted earlier than necessary. My wonder now is if I would have been as disgusted as I was if the review headlines hadn't trumpeted these final moments. I am leaning towards no--that I would have seen the scene, been grossed out a bit, and then moved on to the next thing. Now here I am, completely nauseous on a work night a few days before Christmas. Thanks, thanks a lot!