I'm not sure who the audience is meant to be. Fans of the old show can't appreciate it as much due to the lack of references and very loose connections. New fans won't appreciate it due to the sitcom formula being incredibly dated.
Here's my gripes:
The chemistry of the cast seems forced. The character dynamics don't feel genuine or natural, and neither does the dialogue. Forced catchphrases sound so cheap!
The laugh track.
5 episodes in and an emotional engagement is forced on the audience, instead of allowing us to grow attached to the characters with time.
Sophie being played by Hilary feels like Lizzie Maquire - easy, soft, considerate, yet Kim Cattrall as Old Sophie feels like Samantha, cougar-ish, brash and indulgent - the same character feels like two completely different people.
It's mostly all wrong - I'm a sucker for sitcoms, and thought as time goes on I would grow to like it, but I'm actually put off the show. I stop here at 5 episodes...what a shame for a concept which could have been great.