The problem with some fans in a fandom is that they hold the franchise in such high regard that any deviation from the norm of what the franchise is and represents is a slap in the face. I think a lot of the people who disliked this series falls in that pretentious snooty fan mindset that if it doesn't fall in line with their expectations of what Star Wars is then it's automatically worse than the original trilogy.
With that criticism of the fanbase out of the way, I loved this series! Not all of the episodes were to my tastes for sure, but as a whole the concept was executed flawlessly. Seeing the final result of true fans of the franchise put their own spin on the common elements of the Star Wars universe was a joy to behold. I'd always thought that the current cannon of the franchise was boring. I always enjoyed stories that took elements of Star Wars and told their own stories was always a little more compelling than the hack writing George used in his own movies. The action sequences were wonderfully choreographed and the score was dead on the money for almost all of them. The creativity behind this project was oozing out of every frame. You can really feel the reverence they felt for the source material but at the same time clearly see the originality of each and every studio. Hope they either make more of these by giving more studios the opportunity to do their own projects in the future or just take some of the episodes and commission full series length projects from the studios who'd already made episodes.