This whole game is a bit of an enigma that I can’t crack. I don’t know what circumstances led to this game getting made. Something about it feels dated. It’s almost like Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei has this game done and sitting on a shelf. Like every time they went to release it Like a Dragon Ishin! Launched, or Ghost of Tsushima, or some other game that was doing a similar thing, so they just held onto it.
Irrespective of HOW we got this game, we did and it ticks the most important box, it’s fun. I enjoy slowly chewing on this game while I relaxed and good off in an interesting historical period of Japan. One thing I enjoy is that the combat makes sense, isn’t unforgiving or unreasonable like some more popular titles. Press the button in time, get the result. The game works. Unlike other games that have you struggling to meta game which ultimately turns a game that should be fun into a chore.