TRUMP CARD is in color and has sound. Otherwise it's a hit job on social democratic values and, by implication, folks who would hope the GOP now stood for something - The Lincoln Project, for instance. Dinesh D'Souza's and the others responsible for this documentary have smeared their Democrat Party betters and tropes like climate change, abortion, Muslims, gay rights, COVID-19, race, sexism and immigration. Such topics are used by the menagerie of talking-head Trumpanzees to craft magic narratives about themselves, which are self-serving, or make assertions about issues absent discernment, nuance and context. Sadly, many of them believe the nonsense they're saying, or are stoking the vanity of the twice impeached Donald Trump. They and his cult-like followers have forgotten religion is fine, except when it isn't, that the U.S. Constitution, ethics and morality matter, and grifting, mendacious sociopaths are no remedy. TRUMP CARD eviscerates truth, and even-handedness, in a herculean attempt to reach rock-bottom, a goal it achieves by a factor of infinity. Last, the disgraced former president is gratified Dinesh D'Souza, a federal convict he granted a pardon to, made this tribute to sate delusions for some time to come, which is why he and his cult are a "clear and present danger."