Just a tease of everything we loved. The fact that they tell us all of our main characters back story in episode 3, then forcefully have all of the characters in episode 4 spoon feed is the information we got in the last episode (there is no showing, only telling). Characters don’t really develop until the last 2-3 episodes and even then there isn’t much character growth. However, fight scenes are 6/10- no phantom menace or revenge of the sith (both 11/10). Ultimately, I was very disappointed with this series and pray to the force of that there’s not a second season. I hate to say this as a Star Wars fan, but it’s just bad. I can’t even agree with the cinematography….
I do appreciate the stuff they brought from legends though- but if you love Star Wars and your kids- don’t let them watch this abomination that Disney calls “Star Wars”. Just an expensive fan series that does no fan service other than throwing Easter eggs here and there. Such a disappointment. Wish there was a negative rating.