Honestly, I'm kinda mixed about this movie. It has amazing visuals, a terrific score, great choreography and probably the best acting outside the original trilogy. However, I was not impressed with the story.
Now, I absolutely adore the original trilogy. In fact, I feel Empire Strikes Back is one of the greatest films ever made, up there with Alien. I felt the prequels could have been good movies if they were executed properly, despite a few silly, stupid moments (Yoda's lightsaber fight in Attack of the Clones comes to mind.) And I really enjoyed The Force Awakens, despite its many similarities to A New Hope. All that being said, I think The Last Jedi has probably the worst story of the main saga. Here's why I think so.
Its script is full of plotholes. Some of its characters are infuriating, especially Holdo. The pacing is off at a few points, especially the Canto Bight sidestory. And worst of all, Luke Skywalker was done quite an injustice. The direction they go in with his character comes into conflict with his personality from the OT. They make it look like he hasn't received any growth in his character in the years that have passed. And he has only one cool scene that in itself is rather questionable in some ways before he dies.
Those are just a few things, there are quite a few more questionable things in this story. Overall, while it was glorious from a technical standpoint, the story was poorly written. I honestly have no idea how they plan on fixing this mess in Episode IX, or if they even plan on doing so, but I'm going to remain optimistic that they can still salvage a proper sequel from whatever this was.