Just a few thoughts after watching the documentary:
1. Does the Indonesian Criminal Justice System subscribe to "innocent until proven guilty" mantra? It seems like everyone was already convinced that Jessica is guilty of the crime so why bother with the trial? HAHA
Also, the whole trial is so chaotic procedurally. Like both of the prosecution and the defense are just spitballing questions and objections so it was hard for me to understand what actually happened.
2. The Deportation of the Australian Expert Witness Beng Beng Ong was just a dirty dirty trick for the Indonesian Prosecutors. Yes, I get it you hate the Defense Lawyer, but really? That is below the belt and must never resorted to. I just found it distasteful strategy, if not unethical.
3. Everyone talks about Jessica's weird demeanor. But isn't Mirna's dad also exhibiting a weird demeanor? For someone whose daughter died, he sure is really really joyous and hell bent on nabbing Jessica. He had opinions on how Jessica should have acted like when Mirna died or was dying, and even after her conviction... BUT HIS ACTION LIKE ALL THROUGHOUT WAS REALLY ODD. Why does he think Jessica did and went on to prove that Jessica did it? Like he was more interested in proving himself right that Jessica did the killing rather than getting THE PERSON WHO ACTUALLY DID IT.
In the end, he give the "I told you so" vibes that was like "SEE? I AM RIGHT!!!" SHE GUILTY!!! And everyone suffered for it, including the detectives who handled the case.
Also, his vibes give me like an Indonesian Mafia Boss (eg., he has a gun on his body, he slept with lots of women etc) son it is possible really that Jessica was framed and the dad had no one to blame.
4. No one was talking about the meeting of the Dad with the cafe staff!!! I really found it odd that they would meet "for consistencies in their story." The coffee guy remembers how he prepared the coffee with great particularity on that specific day, but suddenly he forgot about what happened in the meeting LOL
If you are telling the truth, even if there are inconsistencies, the whole picture would make sense. Of course, we are humans so we are prone to making mistakes, but everyone else was not there, so the narration must just make sense, if they cannot tell what actually happened in great detail.