The hate is absolutely and utterly ridiculous this is one of those games that I love. I think people who play these types of games have no idea they actually don’t like open world story mission games😂 Just like how people hate starfield and will probably hate the new dune game because idfk it’s “clunky” which is absolutely insane now is the game worth $90 absolutely not no game is in my opinion but is it worth $20 with Ubisoft+ absolutely. If people keep hating on games we won’t have anything this game clearly has tunes of work put into it and is incredibly fun it just takes time to figure it out. It’s not as straight forward as people like. Only downfall to this is that you can’t do 4 player I would love to play this with my friends and have a little of character customization would make that possible. Also means you have more options than just single player +50 ish hours of playtime if we had multiplayer gamemodes would love to see that but I doubt it. I personally love these story open world games and wish more games where like destiny “looter shooter” main story and some pvp/online capabilities. Instead everyone hypes up ncaa and gives there money to those shit games great job Ubisoft team the hate is ridiculous.