i hate people saying "it wasn't supposed to be a style savvy game, you should've did more research", regardless of style savvy say it doesn't even exist; there's plenty of games i don't do research for and i have expectations for and they knock it out of the park, this game is empty and lifeless, it feels like a 60$(CAD) phone app. if it was a 20$ dress up game i don't think people would be as upset. it's not a finished game, future updates in 2 months don't make up for the lack of content when it's first released, nintendo needs to stop letting unfinished games be such a common thing on this console. it's lazy, unnecessary and, greedy to release an unfinished game. i think it's just an extra disappointment when you've played past style savvy games from the same developer when you know what you could've had but you got an unfinished game? yeah that's super upsetting. i have a lot of problems with it but i'm still playing it because it's the closest we have to style savvy on a modern console and they knew that would be their demographic when advertising and releasing this game. i don't think people should feel shamed for "not doing enough research" or having expectations when buying a 60$ game, if it's within a genre they really enjoy and it looks good quality (cause the graphics and the clothes DO look nice) and it was advertised on nintendo directs since January. People expect a good quality finished game not a phone app regardless of the original style savvy series or not, this game is disappointing.