Taking science-based medicine to determine the foods that our bodies can best absorb and those that cannot be digested well and often lead to disease, this film speaks to an audience who is looking for confirmation that there is something wrong with the way we have been advertised to eat.
Lee Fulkerman takes an investigative journalist approach to finding proof that what we put into our bodies literally is what determines how we function, what side-effects our mainstream doctors choose for us to with, and how simple, time-honoured foods can stabilize and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
This film is a subconscious challenge to our basic instinct to take the path of least resistance, but once accepted, the foods that we once craved quickly no longer taste good and in fact our sense of taste heightens to not only enjoy the foods that are good for us but also help us to identify by taste what foods are poor in value and only work to make us sick.
Depending on your attitude toward truth lying in wait in a sea of profit-making propaganda, you either embrace Forks Over Knives or continue "following the herd".