Want your child to learn about such diverse topics as white supremacy, hard drug use, racism, cyberbullying, etc.? Well, sign them up for WoW.
I've played the game since Vanilla and the game has gotten more and more toxic in large part because Blizzard refuses to moderate the chat channels. It's not fun for adults to be subjected to this mess and people are quitting in droves because of it.
Do you really want your child learning about racism, hard drug use, sex from guild leaders who are telling junior or juniorette that these things are cool? Do you really want them to be grow up thinking cyberbullying is cool because so and so with all the gear is an awesome dude and thinks trolling is just the best thing in the world?
This is what WoW has become and Blizzard (Frat Boys Inc.) takes no responsibility to protect your child from these creeps. Many of us have been asking for moderators for years now, but Blizzard is too cheap to spend the money. They've literally made billions of dollars off of their customers, but refuse to spend even a single cent to make the game a safe and fun environment for players of all ages. Yes, children play your game Blizzard. Stop hiding behind the rating to justify your gross corporate irresponsibility and greed.