Love, love, loved this! What a wild, bittersweet autobiography! This woman’s life has been absolutely absurd, and terrifying. Even from a young age she navigates her way through the world, learning how to use herself to get what she wants. She wants to get some new clothes? Steals it. She wants to do heroin? Bangs a 26 year old for some. She wants to get her tongue and nipples pierced at age 12? Flirts with the piercer and gets it. I could go on and on. I was particularly surprised to hear about her issues with Ace, and how she dealt with that (or didn’t deal with, more like). It is just so insane to me that she never had any support, no matter what stage in her life. From being 5 years old, having separated parents, having parents to abuse her and each other, and having to steal to survive and hide whatever money she could, to now, being 34 years old and one of the highest paid supermodels in the world. Truely amazes me to have heard her story and seen how far she’s come.