Throughout the two movies they kinda make make fun of white people which in my opinion is stupid (I'm black btw). However, the people complaining about the all black cast get on my nerves. First of all, its not even all black there are white people in the movie. Second, of course it’s going to be mostly black Wakanda is in East Africa which is populated my majority blacks. Theres a pretty popular movie called the Northman which revolves around vikings, and there isn't a single black person in the entire movie because its not accurate. There was an extremely small amount of black vikings that it doesn't make sense, yet nobody cared about being equal then. This leads int my third point which is, I cant even count the amount of movies with all white casts. Sometimes we’ll get 3 or 4 black people (at most) in a mostly white movie and nobody complains but as soon as its turned around like in this movie all of a sudden it’s racist. Some of these people have to stop acting like every movie has an equal amount of races because if they want to complain about this movie being racist they need to start paying attention to the amount of blacks in almost every other movie or tv show.