I really hope the film crew knew this was bad. It was just bad, the first one that came out two years prior was better, considering the year the editing was good and the ghosts looked okay. But this movie was an insult not just to the 2006 version but to the Japanese version it’s based off of. Like you cannot tell me they looked at the final cut of this movie and said ‘yes this is perfect I’m so proud of this let’s release this’ all the characters had a green hue to them and the scaling of the people to the buildings, props, streets, and other people were off and looked completely different depending on the shot. It’s almost as though they couldn’t have filmed this in an actual street or apartment or were too lazy to make a set to make it look realistic. Please don’t watch this unless you know what you’re getting into I didn’t think I’d need to do a simple google search before watching it because I was dead set on watching all three movies. But after watching this I don’t even know how it got a sequel.