I was very hyped for this game. As a fan of A Link to the Past, I couldn't wait to play this.
There were definitely moments where I was extremely happy to play this game. It does pull off the ALTTP vibes and it does a good job of doing so. The rune system is terrific and the side quests (getting upgrades and extra health, etc) are fun.
That being said - a lot of the game is frustrating. The lack of a proper map system dramatically brings down the level of entertainment whilst playing. This leads to an insane amount of backtracking, having a hard time locating a location that you previously visited, etc.
The teleportation system via the "artist" would have come in handy, had they have put the artist locations in better areas and put more of them there. But - they are so sparse and hard to find that they barely help you at all.
The dungeons, while exciting and fun, felt like more of a drag than an adventure. So much backtracking. So much frustration.
There are quite a few glitches. Not being able to go through doors without striking the opening with your sword, getting stuck and having to kill yourself with bombs to start from your last saved location, etc. They didn't happen SO frequently that I gave up but they happened enough to be noticed.
I give it a 3/5.
While the lack of a map, frustrating difficulty at times and glitches running rampant took away a genuinely entertaining adventure, the adventure was still there. It was a bit harder to enjoy throughout but I did have a great time with the game at times. There were times were I wanted to give up because I could not find a location and just as I was about to turn my PS5 off, there it was, reigniting my interest.
Its worth a go if you have even the slightest interest in the game. But I cannot merit spending the 40 dollars that I spent on this game. It is deserving of 20. But 40 was way too much. Maybe wait until it is discounted or maybe on PS plus, etc.